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The BEST Garage Sales listings near Kalispell and Flathead Valley Montana area

The BEST Garage Sales listings near Kalispell and Flathead Valley Montana area

Garage Sales 

Bigfork Estate/Garage Sale Sat. 10/7 & Sun. 10/8 10am-3pm 261 Hanging Rock Dr. Vintage glassware, collectible books, holiday decor, women’s clothing and lots of misc.
Columbia Falls Sat. 10/7 8am-2pm 141 River Bluffs Tires, trains, household items, gear, kids clothes and toys, Women’s clothes, lamps & furniture.
Columbia Falls Yard Sale Thurs, 10/5 & Fri., 10/6 9am-5pm. Building supplies, furniture, appliances, clothing, a little of everything! 323 Badrock Dr.
Dixon “B St.” Yard Sale Fri to Sun 10/6 to 10/8 9am-5pm Several families on B St., Start at corner of East and B Sts. Household items, appliances, hand tools, books and more!
Huge 3 Family Yard Sale October 6th & 7th, 9AM - 5PM 329 Bache Rd, Libby Guns, Furniture, Air Compressor, House items, Tools, Camping, Clothing, to much to list.
10/7,8 a.m.- 6 p.m., Sunday, 10/8,12 a.m.- 5 p.m. Lighting, small appliances, apparel,footwear,fishing, photo,bikes, yard tools, household and much more!

763 Stone Street
Kalispell Saturday, 10/7, 8 am- 6 pm, Sunday, 10/8,12 pm- 5 pm. Lighting, small appliances, apparel, footwear, fishing, photo,bikes, yard tools, household and much more! 763 Stone Street
Kalispell Saturday, 10/7, 8am-3pm. Clean-out sale! Home decor, tools, gardening equip., planters, nice men’s suits (44R) and women’s clothes. 436 Forest Edge Trail
Polson Annual Christmas and Jewelry Extravaganza POLSON Saturday, 10/7 from 9am-3pm The old Masonic Lodge 1102 4th Ave East. Like our Facebook page Heart and Soul for more info.
Polson Saturday, 10/7, 9am-5pm. Items from home to business. Cash & cards accepted. 35647 South Hills Dr.
St. Ignatius FALL YARD SALE Fri., 10/6 & Sat., 10/7, 8am-5pm Furniture, household, clothing, tools, outdoor items, baked goods & much more! 57375 Watson Rd.


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